member FAQs

1 Events / 2 Offers / 3 Private Circle / 4 Membership

1.1 How Often are you experiences?

We are continually adding to the calendar throughout the year, so expect experiences booked far in advance to late additions within the week. However, you should expect:
- 15-18 Knightox events
- 15-18 Partner events
- 1-2 Knightox Escapes
- 1-2 Partners Trips
- 1-2 Into An Era Events

Additionally you also have access to our hospitality partner for major events: Six Nations Rugby, Wimbledon, Royal Henley Regatta, Royal Ascott etc.

1.2 Where can I Find the dress code?

Dress code details will all be available under the description of the large themed events. For the small events (talks, debates etc.) ‘smart casual’ will be acceptable unless noted in the event details due to any strict venue dress code policies.

1.3 DO I have to dress themed for ‘INto An Era’ events?

If there is a theme provided, we encourage all members to participate in dressing up! Additionally, if it’s a last minute consideration, members are welcome in evening attire (black tie, gown / cocktail dress).

1.4 How do i bring a guest to events?

For all large events there will be the opportunity to bring along a guest (subject to availability of spaces). You can add a ‘Plus 1’ within the ‘events’ page and purchase their ticket through the cart facility. After which, you will receive an email confirming the purchase and we’ll have the guest details for the event on the day.

1.5 Can I register more than one guest to an event?

This will be subject to availability, and we must first allow other members the opportunity to register a guest. However, please reach out to and we will be in contact with you to place additional guests on a waiting list.

1.6 Can i change guest details to an event?

No problem at all. Simply email with the original guest details and the updated details.

1.7 Can I use photography / videography at the events?

Of course! These are moments to be captured. However, we also hope you make the most of the ‘offline’ experience and connect with others.

1.8 if i CAN NOT attend an event purchased, can i get a refund?

Any requests 14-days before the event date will be refunded. Please reach out to and we’ll sort this out for you. Please be aware of this if booking into an event last minute.

1.9 AS a knightox member, can i host a small event?

Yes! If you would like to talk about a product / service / book launch or an area of interest that you specialise in, we will happily help in providing you the space, and organising the event for Knightox members. Please reach out to with what you have in mind.

2.1 How do i use an offer in the offers section?

Executing the offer will vary depending on the arrangement with the brand. Details on how to fulfill this will be in the description below the offer.

2.2 If i have a service / product to provide can i create an offer?

We’d love to help members provide offers for others in our community, reach out to us at and we’ll see what we can do.

3.1 What is the private CIRCLE APP for?

This will act in four parts:

1. To Provide Updates
On events, offers & hospitality accesses, and new features within the membership.

2. As A Forum
To connect, interact, and bounce ideas off for future themed events, proposed speakers, brands / service offers, summer / winter escape locations.

3. Connect With Members Post-Event
Came to an event and would like to connect with someone you were speaking with, but didn’t get hold of their details? Within the app you can now direct message members. Head over to the ‘members’ section, search their name, click on their profile and reach out to connect!

4. Occupational Intro (coming very soon)
It’s a great way to learn more about other members you may have spoken to briefly at events, plus can potentially lead to some great professional connections… Need a graphic designer? Need a programming specialist? Put up your background in the ‘chat’ and delve right in!

3.2 What can i post in the APP?

Anything related to the aforementioned topics, and questions you have. Please also view theRules’ in the ‘Topics’ section of the private circle for further details. For more direct responses, always consider our Whatsapp or first.

4.1 How much is THE knightox experience membership?

Until January 1st 2024, our Experience Membership is accessible for just £10 per month paid quarterly (or yearly with a 10% discount), and an initial joining fee of £29.99.

4.1 Can a friend apply to knightox who is not living in london / U.K.?

Yes they are welcome to apply for membership. However, this would only be beneficial to them if they can make the most of the offers available and attend the events of their choosing, if approved.

4.2 Can i Cancel my membership?

Yes you can cancel your membership at anytime, however the rest of the month / quarter / year will be billed, depending on your membership.

4.3 If I cancel, can i REJOIN Knightox?

Yes, if at the time our membership is open to applicants, and you are approved from the waiting list. However please note, the joining fee will still take effect upon re-entry to the club.
